Saturday, November 12, 2011

Mission Statement

My name is J. Harbo and I have joined the Occupy Wall Street protests as a Byzantine Catholic in an attempt to demonstrate the old adage "the pen is mightier than the sword." Through this journal/ blog I will address the following questions through a series of interviews:
  1. Are we the owners of property or has property become the owner of us (through obsessive compulsive/ impulsive consumerism)?
  2. Is an act of violence, by definition, limited only to an act of bodily violence or does it extend to other similar acts towards objects (eg vandalism, breaking windows in, graffiti, etc..)?
  3. Who or what is the 1% commonly referring to?
  4. Is this protest protected still by the first amendment?
  5. What is the common message, goal, or theme of this movement?
  6. Is there a need for prevailing leadership?
While I have, and intend to continue to, exercise my first amendment quite thoroughly it is most important to focus your attention not on either me or the people I have interviewed. Instead consider in your head the idea of the top 1%.
What is the agenda of the one per cent that is constantly shoved down your throat every day with ads, politics, commercials, and industry "standards?" It is violently pushed down our throat like a large oblong and painful pill of subliminal recession, depression, and ultimately your death. If you haven't gagged or choked on the deadly dose of medicine by now -- I suggest you begin to pay attention immediately.

The Economy of Death
Wall Street wants the economy of undeniable homicide to be the prevailing ethic of our culture. This proposed economy of death includes everything from: Capital Punishment to lifetime incarceration, from the Civil War to the current Afghanistan armed combat, from emergency contraception services to partial birth abortions, from euthanasia to the resentment toward social monetary aid for those physically and emotionally disabled, from uncompromised hegemony to world-wide class warfare.

When money is held as the highest value, human life and dignity is subject to severe compromise for the sake of profit.

In addition to the list already stated above, the definition of the economy of death includes a new and frightening "liberal green" agenda and has frightening implications in its logic. We have been mislead to believe or understand the lie that the planet has been threatened by us due to overpopulation. This under minds the value of human life for sake of an eco-system that has never compromised the survival of fittest law. Certainly our Creator alone knows exactly when we have reached maximum capacity. "Keep watch and remain ever vigilant for you know not the hour." (Matthew 24:42)

Please do not over-react to these dramatic and heavy instances of media with panic or alarm. They are intended to raise awareness with you, the viewer. This is not an apocalypse; however it is the intention of the 99% to bring a shift in monetary evolution -- at best -- or else bring about real reform to this country. I believe this is the beginning of a shift in USA history. November fifth is to be known hence forth as international "spank your bank" day. If you haven't already please pull all monies from major banks and transfer them to a local credit union near you.

This blog is by no means complete. Frequent it for updates and additional photos, testimonials, videos, and news updates.

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