Bob Malone

Why are you here?
I'm mad about the fact that 1% can control all of the bullshit. They already done took my home. I'm here for the future of my kids and their future.
What do you want?
Let's start by boycotting the consumer construction of Christmas. This is a sac-relig. We celebrate the birth of the Savior with material goods that invite envy to our neighbors? Nothing good about that, you be sure of that much.

We can also not re-elect incumbants. We need terms limits on all seats of Congress. I have an entire list of things that are needed. Bottomline is that we demand real change.

How do you suggest this be achieved?
There's a lot of ways to be sure it won't be achieved. We need the police to not work against us. We do have the right to protest protected under the first amendment.

Perhaps the cops' actions are a response to the fringe group known as Black Block. Your comments please:
The anarachists mis-represent us and do not belong here. They ruin what has already been accomplished. Their actions have destroyed the peaceful message of the vast majority of protesters here. They do not speak for any of us.

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